Participants in the workshop.
More than 50 experts on
cassava, nutrition and livestock, the private sector—represented by producers
and feed millers—and representatives from donor groups, the Nigerian Federal
Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development, and development partners, came
together in IITA this week to discuss how cassava residues or by-products such
as cassava peels can be used in industry and to add value to the industrial
cassava value chain.
The meeting, held at IITA 28-30
October, aimed to come up with a roadmap for developing a cassava-based feed system
for livestock, an action plan for Nigeria, and pilot projects that would serve
as models in Africa.
The meeting was organized by IITA, GCP21,
the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the CGIAR
Research Programs on Roots, Tubers and Bananas, Livestock and Fish, and
Humidtropics, and the private livestock feed sector.
As part of Nigeria’s Agricultural
Transformation Program, the cassava transformation plan seeks to create a new
generation of cassava farmers, producers, and processors oriented towards
commercial production to generate
cassava for specific value-added chains. The plan aims to turn the
cassava sector in Nigeria into a major player in the local and international
production and processing arena for flour, starch, sweeteners, ethanol and
dried chips markets through private sector-led value-added chains.
Traditionally small farmers discard
the peels that are left as waste near processing locations for feeding their
animals (poultry, goats and pigs). Few attempts have been made to establish a
nutritionally and economically sustainable cassava-based feed system using
local products to replace imported products in the feed industry.
Enhanced production under the
Cassava Transformation Plan will produce over 2 million tonnes of additional
cassava by-products each year, offering a unique opportunity to support a
cassava-based feed system at an industrial scale.
The use of cassava-based feeds in
Nigeria will bring several benefits including cutting down on maize imports,
most of which are used as feeds for livestock, according to the researchers.
“Africa imported maize worth
US$4.63 billion in 2011 of which Nigeria’s feed industry alone accounted for
1.2 million tons worth about $350 million,” says Dr Iheanacho Okike, Country Representative
for the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) based in Ibadan.
“If we use cassava peels for
livestock feeds, for instance, we will be able to reduce the amount we spend on
maize importation, and more importantly reduce the competition between man and
livestock for maize,” he added.
Efforts to transform Nigeria’s
agriculture have raised the production of cassava to more than 50 million tons
per annum, with several factories now processing cassava to products such as
flour, gari, glucose, and ethanol. This growing demand and processing of
cassava is also churning out cassava residues including cassava peels to the
Dr Peter Kulakow, IITA Cassava
Breeder, said the “use of cassava peels in livestock
is a win-win situation for both agriculture and the environment. It is
basically converting waste to wealth,” he added.
Dr Claude Fauquet, Director of GCP
21, said the use of cassava-based feeds would widen the opportunities for
cassava farmers and help alleviate poverty.
Dr Claude Fauquet, Director of GCP 21, during the opening program.
According to him, Africa, being the
lead producer, needs to take advantage of the crop, by creating/tapping into
value addition.
Fauquet also said Nigeria produces
50% of the world’s cassava although poverty levels in the country remained high
when compared with Latin America and Asia.
The Minister of Agriculture and
Rural Development, Dr Akinwumi Adesina praised IITA for its continuing work on
cassava and for hosting the conference.
He said the government had
concluded arrangements to establish additional ethanol and starch processing
industries in three cities across the country to create more value addition for
Represented by Dr Martin Fregene,
Senior Technical Advisor, the minister said on completion, the factories would
be producing cassava residues which if converted to feeds would create
additional jobs and incomes for the country.
According to him, the nation’s
agricultural transformation plan aims to create about 3.5 million jobs through
the establishment of agro-based industries by 2015.